For successfully leading the student team and contributed substantially for the project titled "Green Node Low Cost Module to Prevent Food Spoilage and Enable Asset Tracking of Food" organized by Amal Jyothi Scholars Committee for Inspiring Innovations(ASCII), the R&D arm of innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell(IEDC), funded by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, awarded I2U Contest 2017
For successfully leading the student team and contributed substantially for the project titled "E-Beehive Fumigator for the Treatment of Varroa Mite in Honey Bees" organized by Amal Jyothi Scholars Committee for Inspiring Innovations(ASCII), the R&D arm of innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell(IEDC), funded by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, awarded I2U Contest 2017
Top Performing Faculty, awarded Amal Jyothi College of Engineerig
Safe Overtaking System using Raspberry Pi ,2020, IEEE Explore
Design and Implementation of built-in Selt Test(BIST) for VLSI circuits ,2015, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
Comparison of ACO-OFDM and DCO-OFDM in IM/DD systems ,2015, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
Using Delta-Sigma Modulators in Adaptive Modulated Visible Light OFDM Systems ,2015, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
Safe Overtaking System using Raspberry Pi ,2019, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
E-beehive fumigator for the treatment of verrora mite in honey bees ,2018, Sahrydaya College of Engineering, Kodakara
Burst Error Correction Using CRC ,2015, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science Engineering/Trivandrum
Implementation of GF(2^m) ALU usinf SOC Technology ,2011, International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology/Sun Nagar, Erachakalam,Tamil Nadu
Training programs attended
Administrative Training Program OBE-Computation & Attainments and Accreditation Workspace in AES, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2022-12-12 to 2022-12-16
Advances in Signal Processing, Lakireddy Bali Reddy college of Engineering, Online, from 2022-04-04 to 2022-04-08
Basics and Best practices for Fruitful Research, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2022-01-10 to 2022-01-14
Digital Circuits , IIT Kharagpur, NPTEL, from 2021-07-01 to 2021-10-01
Digital VLSI Testing (NPTEL), IIT Kharaghpur, NPTEL Platform, from 2020-09-01 to 2020-12-19
Administrative Training Program - Moodle LMS Management, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2020-07-16 to 2020-08-04
12 hours Let us code together: CRASH COURSE on C, Council of Electronic Studies(CEST), SCT, Trivandrum, Online, from 2020-05-24 to 2020-05-24
Design, Implementation and Verification in VLSI, Sandeepani school of Embedded System Design, Bangalore, Bangalore, Online, from 2020-04-27 to 2020-05-01
Special industries Track at TENCON 2019, IEEE Kerala Section, Bolghaty, Kochi, from 2019-10-19 to 2019-10-19
Administrative Training Program Essentials of OBE and NBA / NAAC documentation, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2019-08-26 to 2019-08-30
Hardware Modelling using Verilog, IIT Kharagpur, NPTEL, from 2019-08-26 to 2019-10-18
Annual General Meeting of Kochi Section, IEEE Kochi Section, CUSAT, Kochi, from 2019-01-05 to 2019-01-05
Empowering Educators: A Comprehensive Approach to Mentor-
Mentee Schemes, Blooms Taxonomy, and ICT in Teaching, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2018-12-26 to 2018-12-30
Annual Branch Counselors Congress, IEEE Kerala Section, Hotel Le Meredian, Kochi, from 2018-09-08 to 2018-09-08
STTP on PCB Design and Fabrication, Entrepreneurship Development Club, ECE, Systems Lab, DC 311, AJCE, from 2018-06-18 to 2018-06-19
QIP short term course on BASIC Digital Systems : Theory and Practice, IIT, Bombay, IIT Bombay, from 2018-05-07 to 2018-05-11
Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks Using MATLAB, ECE Department and ISTE, Systems Lab, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, from 2017-07-12 to 2017-07-13
DSP architecture with TMS320C6745, Department of ECE and Pantech Solutions, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, from 2017-06-02 to 2017-06-03
Two-Week ISTE STTP CMOS Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design, IIT Kharaghpur, CCF, from 2016-12-26 to 2017-01-04
Engineering education and Research Seminar, National Instruments India , Trivandrum, from 2016-11-25 to 0000-00-00
Trainers Training Programme on Shortcuts in Aptitude Training, AJCE, AJCE, from 2016-07-18 to 2016-07-19
Hands-on Training Programme in Intel Galielio Board Training, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University , Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, from 2016-07-15 to 2016-07-16
TEQUIP Phase II sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Image Processing using LabVIEW, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Pampady, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Pampady, from 2016-06-20 to 2016-06-22
ISTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Open Source Programming and Embedded Systems Design using Arduino, Department of Electronics and Communication, ajce, AJCE, from 2016-06-15 to 2016-06-17
Faculty Training Programme on Embedded System Design using FPGA, VIT University, VIT University, from 2015-03-27 to 2015-03-28
2-week ISTE workshop on Control Systems, by IIT, Kharagpur, held under National Mission on Education through ICT, AJCE, from 2014-12-02 to 2014-12-12
IIRS Workshop on Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System And Global Navigation Satellite System, ISRO, Dehradun, AJCE, from 2014-08-04 to 2014-10-14
Green IT, TCS, Infopark , TCS, Infopark , from 2013-05-14 to 0000-00-00
Information Security, TCS, Infopark , TCS, Infopark , from 2013-05-14 to 0000-00-00
2-week ISTE workshop on Basic Electronics, the National Mission on Education through ICT conducted by the IIT, AJCE, from 2011-06-28 to 2011-07-08
Resource persons in Training programs
Short Term Training Program on Advanced Tools & Software for Automation Laboratory, ECE Department and ISTE, Systems Lab at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, from 2017-06-21 to 2017-06-30
Arduino Workshop 2017, KSCSTE SPONSORED, Department of Physics, SB College, SB College, Changanasserri, from 2017-02-18 to 0000-00-00
Faculty as members of Expert committees
IEEE-AJCE Student Branch, IEEE, Branch Counsellor, from 2017-01-05 to 0000-00-00
Peer Review Committee, KETCON 2016 at AJCE, Reviewer of Research Papers, from 2016-01-08 to 2016-01-09
Fellowship/Membership in Professional Bodies/Academies
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), IEEE AJCE Student Branch, 02-02-2017
Programs Organized
AICERA 2019, Treasurer of AICERA 2019, from 18-07-2019, to 20-07-2019
AGM for the year 2018 conducted at RS106-Seminar Hall, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 26-02-2019, to 26-02-2019
IEEE day Quiz organised by IEEE PES Society in all engineering colleges in Kerala for 1st years, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 08-10-2018, to 08-10-2018
Python Level Workshop conducted at CCF1 Lab by iodev team, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 02-10-2018, to 03-10-2018
ENLIGHTEN 3.0 of the IEEE kochi hub conducted at Petta GHSS, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 31-08-2018, to 31-08-2018
Membership Development session for 1st years by Abey Esow, IEEE YP and Mr Antony Varkey, Ex Alumni, TCS employee, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 04-08-2018, to 04-08-2018
Minerva 3.0-An IEEE WiE Event conducted in the college under Zone 4 of the Kochi Hub, Coordinator-Branch Counselor, from 09-03-2018, to 09-03-2018
C Workshop by Vishnu Prasad S., IEEE Branch Counselor, from 20-10-2017, to 20-10-2017
Workshop on Arduino and Proteus conducted by Vishnu Prasad S, S7 ECE, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 09-10-2017, to 09-10-2017
Panel Discussion at RB auditorium to mark the end of IEEE week celebrations, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 09-10-2017, to 09-10-2017
Photoshop for beginners by Jewel James during IEEE week celebrations, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 07-10-2017, to 07-10-2017
Treasure Hunt during IEEE week celebrations, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 07-10-2017, to 07-10-2017
Android I & II workshop during IEEE week celebrations, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 06-10-2017, to 07-10-2017
Work your brains out(WYBO 2017) preliminary round conducted and two students were selected for the next round, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 08-08-2017, to 08-08-2017
Managerial Workshop during IEEE week, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 10-05-2017, to 10-05-2017
LabVIEW training for IEEE members at DC 311 by Mr. Mathew George, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 28-04-2017, to 30-04-2017
Membership Development session for 1st years by Akash Nambiar and Gokul , IEEE Branch Counselor, from 18-04-2017, to 18-04-2017
Java Workshop to celebrate IEEE week, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 10-04-2017, to 10-04-2017
IEEE day Awareness, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 09-04-2017, to 09-04-2017
Annual general Meet of IEEE AJCE SB at DC 402, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 22-03-2017, to 22-03-2017
IEEE day Quiz organised by IEEE PES Society in all engineering colleges in Kerala for 1st years, IEEE Branch Counselor, from 10-03-2017, to 10-03-2017
Positions Held
Pursuing IEEE SSCS Kerala Chapter Secretary, from 16-03-2023, In charge of reporting the activities of the SSCS Kerala chapter and member of the IEEE Kerala section EXECOM
Pursuing Chair, Educational activities, IEEE IA/IE/PELS jt chapter, IEEE Kerala Section, from 16-02-2023, Chair, Educational activities, IEEE IA/IE/PELS jt chapter, IEEE Kerala Section
Pursuing IEEE SSCS SAC, from 04-04-2022, In charge of the Student activities of the IEEE SSCS society of the IEEE Kerala section
Pursuing IDEA Lab Guru, from 01-12-2021, IDEA lab in-charge from the department which is in tie-up with AICTE
IEEE WIE Chapter Advisor, from 01-04-2021, to 04-03-2023, Women in Engineering Affinity Group in the college
Membership Development Chair, IEEE IA/IE/PELS jt chapter, IEEE Kerala Section, from 01-01-2021, to 16-02-2023, In-charge of the membership development activities of the IEEE IA/IE/PELS jt chapter of the IEEE Kerala section
Pursuing Co-incharge of SOPC Lab, from 01-01-2020, The lab is in tie-up with CDAC Trivandrum
Pursuing IEEE IAS chapter Advisor, from 01-03-2018, the advisor of the IEEE IAS chapter in the college
IEEE Branch Counselor, from 01-02-2017, to 04-03-2023, Student Branch in charge
ISTE College Secretary, from 01-09-2011, to 01-10-2012, ISTE College Secretary
Current Responsibilities
IEEE Branch Counselor, from 02-01-2017, to 31-12-2019, The faculty coordinator of all IEEE student branch activities.
Specialized Trainings
PG Diploma inVLSI and Embedded Systems, Central Institute of Tool Design, Balanagar, Hyderabad, 2011-03-31
Agi Joseph George
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering
Date of Joining : 01-07-2011